Painless Delivery

Labor pain is a significant cause of worry and apprehension in expecting mothers. Also the pain sensitivity differs from individual to individual. With modern technology, now expecting mothers can also opt for a Painless normal Delivery; a way to give birth naturally.

At Gholve Hospital & Test Tube Baby Center, a caesarean delivery is recommended only in case of high risk pregnancy. Expecting mother and her family are educated on the risks and benefits associated for opting of an epidural assisted – painless delivery. The option of delivering on an epidural is a medically approved and safe method. The Hospital has a team of obstetricians and anesthetists who provide with the best medical expertise.

The biggest fear of every expecting mother is labor pain. At Gholve Hospital & Test Tube Baby Center, every expecting mother is explained the benefits of opting for Epidural Assisted – Painless Delivery. It is a simple procedure in which a small injection is injected in the lower back, which is connected to a small tube – epidural catheter. Drugs are passed through a Catheter to provide a painless delivery process. The amount of dosage as per the pain sensitivity of an individual can be adjusted by the mother in labor or by the assisting doctor. The benefits of Epidural Assisted – Painless Normal Delivery are:

  •  Best method and safest option for pain relief.
  •  Epidural helps a mother in labor relax, rest, regain focus
  • An epidural assists the coping mechanism, as a woman in labor may be irritable, exhausted and fatigued. An epidural assisted – painless delivery calms the mother in labor.


Epidural anesthesia is an epidural administration technique in which an anesthesia is injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord. This method is popularly brought into use to achieve painless childbirth as it is a rapid pain reliever. Epidural injection provides relief by blocking the nerve impulses from the lower segment.

Application – The person who administers an epidural anesthesia is an anesthesiologist, an obstetrician or a nurse anesthetist. The application process begins with wiping the area (the waist) where the injection is to be given with an antiseptic solution, followed by the application of a local anesthesia to numb the area. A needle is then inserted into the numbed region and a catheter is edged through it. The needle is then, gently removed leaving the catheter in place which is taped to the back. It is through the catheter that epidural anesthesia gets injected.


  • Less risky in comparison to general anesthesia.
  • Helps ease during the delivery as the pain is otherwise too much
  • Patients quickly regain their senses
  • Helps stay awake in during cesarean delivery while relieving pain
  • Causes decreased hyperventilation of the mother along with increased supply of oxygen to the baby