TESA is performed on patients experiencing Obstructive azoospermia. In TESA methodology sperm is legitimately separated from the testicles by passing a fine needle straightforwardly into the testicle. The recovered sperm at that point can be infused into the lady’s oocytes by ICSI to form a fetus. Before performing TESA, tests are done to check whether sperms are available or can be acquired at the biopsy. Sperms removed by TESA can be solidified and utilized later.
PESA methodology is typically performed under sedation with relief from pain, or also under general anesthesia. In certain men, sperm can be separated legitimately from the epididymis by passing a fine needle through the skin of the scrotum and setting it in the epididymis. Modest quantities of liquid is gathered and afterward analyzed for traces of sperm. The recovered sperm is then arranged and afterward infused legitimately into eggs utilizing ICSI procedure.